"God said to me..."
I once worked with a woman
who, several years ago, was single and dating men occasionally. She was
interested in marrying one day as most people do. Another woman came up to her
one day and said with such conviction: “I was having my devotional this morning
and God told me that you should give up trying to marry because you’ll never
get married. God wants you to stay single for the rest of your life.” How do
you think the single woman felt after that?
In case you wondered, that
single woman is no longer single. She’s been married for a few years now. So
much for hearing the voice God during that woman’s devotional time!
Throughout the church, there
have been four major sources of receiving God’s direction, will, or knowledge:
(1) Inspiration, (2) Miracles, (3) Other People, (4) Scripture. Let’s think
about each one. (I’ve deliberately cut back on citing too many Scripture
references to conserve space.)
We hear similar language in
the New Testament concerning inspiration; except, in the New Testament, being
enabled by the Spirit is related to the public proclamation of the gospel. Whenever
a person publicly proclaimed the saving gospel of Jesus, it was called the
“Word of God” or “God’s Word.” [Christians never referred to the
Bible/Scripture as “God’s Word” since that was written. The “word of God” was spoken
aloud. E.g., Lk 8:11; Acts 4:31; 6:7; et
al.] When the gospel was spoken, early Christians believed that the Spirit
was right in their midst, inspiring what they said and helping them stay
faithful to what they had learned from Jesus (e.g., Jn 14:26; Acts 2:4; 4:31; 1
Cor 2:13; 14:6).
Hearing from God was a very
big deal. It was special revelation. However, some “inspiration” was driven by
evil (1 Tim 4:1). The message had to match with the apostolic teaching already
passed down. This is why John told his congregation to “test the Spirits” to
see if they’re true (1 Jn 4:1).
Miracles: This one’s easy enough to understand.
This category would include any time an angel gives a message (e.g., Ex 3:2;
Matt 1:20; Lk 1:19; 2:9; Rev 22:6), a person receives a vision (e.g., Gen 46:2;
Jer 25:15; Ez 8:3; 2 Cor 12:2-4), or receives a dream to interpret (e.g., Gen
20:3; 28:11-15; Judges 7:13-14). These are quite rare in the Bible.
Other People: God speaks through other humans (e.g.,
Exod 7:16; Judges 13:6; Acts 9:17; 1 Cor 4:17; 2 Cor 1:4). And of course, we
must remember that once God even spoke through a donkey (Numb 22:28).
Scripture: Once all of the narratives,
prophecies, poems, psalms, and other genres were written down to comprise what
we call the Old Testament, Jews and Christians used it to discern God’s
direction in life. It was not uncommon early on to use specialists--we might say, "Bible scholars"--in understanding
Scripture (e.g., 2 Chron. 17:9; Neh 8:7-8).
The early Church used the
Bible as a guide. For example, Clement of Alexandria, an influential theologian
(ca. 195), said, “To those who ask questions, there is given from the
Scriptures the gift of the God-given knowledge.” Cyprian, the bishop of
Carthage (ca. 250) said, “Be constant in both prayer and reading. Now speak
with God; then let God speak with you. Let Him instruct you in His teachings,
let Him direct you.”
So, there you have it. The
four major sources for knowing what God wants in life: inspiration, miracles,
other people, and Scripture.
So what? A few reflections.
First, throughout the history
of the church, Scripture has been considered the primary means of understanding
what God wants. And so it should be. God has revealed so much of who He is to
us in Scripture that we should get very
good at understanding how to read it and apply it well. Yet, in my
experience, Christians aren’t good at this at all. Our churches are full of kindergarten-level
Christians. If you’re a new convert, that’s certainly acceptable. That’s where
you should be. Yet, most churches are full of people who have grown up in
Church! The author of Hebrews shared the same frustration: he wanted to teach “solid
foods” but they were limited to “milk” (Heb 5:11-14). On the other hand, far
too many Christians think that “old so-and-so was such a strong Christian…she
really knew her Bible facts.” Knowing Bible facts is good. Knowing how Bible facts should be used in Christian
decision making is best. The
devil knows the Bible; the devil doesn’t apply
the Bible.
Second, in my experience, most
Christians don’t receive instruction from Other People. I know of so many Christians who merely have superficial,
acquaintance-level relationships with other Christians. How many people really
know you? To whom do you confess your sins (James 5:16)? Who builds you up and
who do you build up (1 Thess 5:11)? Instead of using one of God’s most vital
and precious sources of guidance, too many Christians are nearly completely
unconnected to other mature Christians. We get lost in a sea of smiling,
well-dressed people who don’t really know each other, keep each other accountable, or know how to encourage.
Third, in my experience, so
many Christians think God directs them (or they want God to direct them) by Inspiration the most, while they really
beg for Miracles. That is, they expect to hear a special message from God,
while they really want a special
sign. I’ve heard it so many times: “Please send me a sign…” That’s a miracle.
That’s asking God for a special revelation of Himself just to know what to do.
Is that bad? No, of course
not. But here’s my concern: in our experience-driven age, where we typically
seek an emotional experience with God, we seek after special things to evoke awe and wonder, rather than God’s
instruction. That is, we chase an
experience and not guidance. When’s the last time someone said to you, “I
received a message from God! He said to sell my house and give the proceeds to
the poor! Yeah!” Or, “I received a sign! Jesus told me to deny all of my
ambitions, go confess my sins to those I’ve hurt, and seek out reconciliation.
Yeah!” For some reason, when someone “hears from God” or receives a vision, it usually confirms a wish they’ve had.
Not all the time, of course. But, I’ve seen this pattern all my life in the
Church. And in so doing, their “god” becomes a cosmic Santa Claus, who just
needs to be asked “for a blessing.”
I encourage you: think
carefully for a moment. Where do you receive God’s instruction? I don’t mean
where you think you ought to receive it.
I mean, where, really, when you want
God’s wisdom, do you receive it? Why there? If anything, what can you do to be
more in line with what the Bible exemplifies?
Don’t give up. Don’t despair. Get
to work in the grace of God and in the authentic relationships of other Christians,
knowing that He’s waiting on you. It starts today.