"Did Jesus have to die?" A conversation with a Friend
Hi David, hope you are doing
Just listened to your latest
podcast on the meaning behind Jesus dying for our sins. Very good stuff... I
appreciated the historical explanations and context behind the various similes
used in the NT.
Question for you, and this is
something I've asked myself that I don't think was addressed in the podcast
but, why was his death the means of atonement and not something else? Could
something different have been done, like have Jesus stick a white flag in the
ground and say "it is finished and it's cool now between you and
God"? Why not $50 or some specific amount of money? I'm being silly here
but I think you see my point.
Just wondering if there is an
explanation in the Bible about why THE God-man’s death WAS the price? Thinking
about it I could possibly say:
1) Since humans are
"special" in that we have dominion over the Earth just like God has
dominion over the universe nothing could possibly be more sacred in material
form on this Earth, than God, as a man, giving up his life for everyone. IT is
an ultimate sign of selfless love as far as we can currently grasp.
2) God was used to Jews
sacrificing animals/first fruits of the season/etc. as a means of atonement. He
knew they could relate and understand what that meant but also realized that it
got out of hand so He decided to put an end to it by having one final
sacrifice. The sacrifice of all sacrifices which would be part of Himself, the
part that manifested Himself physically in this world.
If it sounds like I'm ignorantly
riffing on this, I am. My OT knowledge lacks, (like most Christians) so any
resource you could point me to would be great that talks about this.
BTW, I've about finished your
book and love it. I've been trying to get through it for a few months now but
my reading time is pretty limited and let's face it, apologetics isn't always
"lite reading" so thinking about it all at 9pm at night after getting
3 kids to bed... well the energy level isn't always there for deep thoughts :)
One more thought...
In my ridiculous examples and the
fact that Jesus did die for our sins implies that some sort of transaction
between God and man HAD to occur for the atonement. Why? As humans we have the
ability to forgive debts without transactions. Couldn't have God done the same?
Did He need to have a symbol to point to? It would seem He could have just said
"you know guys, we are good" like when you buy your buddy lunch and
never ask him to pay you back or treat you. If God had done that I'm guessing
the gravity of the atonement would not have had an impact on us so perhaps He
did it this way to get through to us.
Again... thinking out loud
Hey Cody,
These are great questions and
Like I said in my podcast, I see
no reason to suggest, assume, or argue that Jesus had to die in order for forgiveness to be offered. So, as you ask,
could something else have been done? I see no reason not to say, “Yes.” (And
the typical response here— “If there were another way, God would have done it”—is
completely unconvincing.)
Let me unpack that more: Not making mistakes is
precisely the definition of perfection. “Not able to make mistakes” is
tantamount to saying “God is perfect.” “Not able to invent information not
previously known” is tantamount to saying “God is omniscient.” "Not being single" is tantamount to saying, "Being married." Something is an ontological limitation when it is not complete or
perfect. Thus, these so-called defeaters or paradoxes are really just
equivocations on the term, "limitation." They use the term in a negative, ontological sense of "not complete or perfect," while, in reality, these "limitations" are just boundaries needed to define terms (like "not able to be single" = "married").
So, is it the same case here? Was
God “limited” in some way by His character, attributes, or something else such
that Jesus had to die in order for us to receive forgiveness? I see no reason
to think so.
Christians typically get God’s
character confused with God’s behavior. For example, God’s character is such
that He is perfectly loving. Yet, this doesn’t mean that God extends grace and forgiveness at all
times. God’s character is such that He is perfectly fair. Yet, this doesn’t
mean that God extends punishment at
all times. “Perfection” in an attribute of character does not mean “always extended” or “always actualized.” It just means
that when it is actualized, it is
perfect, unadulterated, untainted.
So, God is just. God is loving.
It seems to me that God could have just written His message on the moon for all
to see (e.g., “I hate all this sin; and you all deserve to be punished, but
because of my love, I choose not to punish you and forgive you.”), or shaped
mountains in Hebrew language to express His forgiveness, or sent Jesus to
appear to all people at some age and tell them what salvation is, etc. There
must be an infinite amount of ways for God to express His perfect character and
His response to sin. I see no reason for Jesus’s death and resurrection to be the necessary way that had to happen.
(And the typical verse cited in
response, Heb. 9:22, is within the context of a sacrificial system at a Temple
that no longer exists; and it is concerning the imagery of Jesus’s death acting
as a sacrifice for us [which is just one of several images in the NT!].)
Therefore, I don’t think God was
limited in any way. He had the freedom to extend forgiveness in any way that He
This is why it seems much more
fruitful to change the discussion from, “Did Jesus have to die?” to “Why did
Jesus die?” That is, as I explore in my podcast, “What is the significance of
the death of Jesus? What does it tell us? Why do we think God chose that form
of expression of justice and love?”
A short comment I would add (in
addition to my podcast) is that it seems to me that the death and resurrection
of Jesus was an incredible, culturally-relevant event. Like you suggest,
concerning how they could have related to sacrifices and whatnot, God chose to use Jesus’s death to suggest how
heinous the crime was (that it would involve the death of the Messiah) and how deep His love was for us (that it
would involve the sending of the Messiah). And as you said, I think the death
of Jesus, among other things, demonstrates the enormous “gravity” of our
situation. A simple, “we’re cool,” surely would have not done for humans what
His death and resurrection have done.
And as I say in the podcast, His
death actually did something for us.
It was not just a symbol. And He chose Jesus’s death to speak volumes,
especially to the immediate social and cultural contexts in which it occurred.
The metaphors I explore in my podcast would have been immediately accessible to
the first century audience.
For the King who gave Himself for us,